Title: | SaberNet DCS Frequently Asked Questions |
Authors: | Seth Remington <sremington@saberlogic.com> |
Date: | 2009-04-21 |
Revision: | |
Description: | Frequently asked questions regarding SaberNet DCS (and hopefully the answers) |
- Make sure that the DCS Server (sndcsd) has been started.
- Make sure that nothing on the server is resolving to (i.e. Name Server, Event Server, DCS Server). The quickest way to check this is with the Pyro nsc (Name Server Control) command. Depending on your distribution or if you installed Pyro from source the command may be named "nsc" or "pyro-nsc" or somthing similar. The out put of the "pyro-nsc listall" command should look something like this:
-------------- START DATABASE
:Pyro.EventService --> PYRO:// :Pyro.NameServer --> PYRO:// :sndcs.DCSServer --> PYRO:// :sndcs.Employee --> PYRO:// :sndcs.Indirect --> PYRO:// :sndcs.LaborDtl --> PYRO:// :sndcs.LaborHed --> PYRO:// :sndcs.Operation --> PYRO:// :sndcs.ScrapCode --> PYRO:// :sndcs.Terminal --> PYRO://
-------------- END
If you see in any of that output you've most likely found your problem. The Name Server would be telling your client that the specific service it is requesting can be found on which to the client is itself. The client will try to connect to itself to make a request of a service which of course is not running on itself so you will get a "connection failed" error.
See How do I prevent the Name, Event, or DCS Server from binding to to resolve this issue.
For the DCS Server, just make sure that the "hostname" parameter in the [pyro] section of the sndcsd.conf file is set to the proper address. If you are starting the Pyro Name Server and Event Server automatically then this is all you should have to do.
If you are starting the Pyro Name Server and Event Server separately then it may take a little more tweaking. It's really more of a DNS setup issue at this point. You may require a line in your /etc/hosts file that associates your hostname with your external IP address rather than For instance, if your /etc/hosts file looked like this: mydcshostname localhost.localdomain localhostChange it to this: localhost.localdomain localhost mydcshostname
Assuming that is you server's real IP address.
Make sure that you have the "host" parameter in the [web] section of the sndcsd.conf file set to the publicly resolvable IP address (or hostname) of the server. If it is set to you will only be able to connect from the server itself.
By default there is a single user account created for DCS Web with a username of 'administrator' and a password of 'admin'. You should probably change the password on a production server. You cannot delete the 'administrator' account and will need to log in as 'administrator' to create other user accounts.